Hello everyone. Sorry that we have been gone so long. We had a week off (vacation) and when it was over. . . .
My Mommy's 4 year old nephew had a terrible accident. He was run over with a lawnmower and his little foot was cut off. It was devastating!! He is now released from the hospital, but it wasn't before he had 4 surgeries in one week. Bless his little heart!!
Then last week, my Mommy's Mother fell down in the driveway and badly hurt her two fingers. Her fingers were really gross looking. She ended up having to have 8 stitches in her fingers. Wow. . .a lot has happened in a few short weeks!!
We will be back on in full gear shortly!! Don't forget us!!!
Well everyone, I did it again. I just couldn't resist the temptation. Another shoe bites the dust. I chewed up my Mommy's shoe . I have a habit of only chewing up one shoe. . .not both of them. I don't know what possesses me to be so naughty. It must just be a puppy thing.
Here I am immediately after Mommy walked in and found her shoe. Poor Mommy! She wasn't happy with me at all.
My Mommy played an April Fool's joke this morning that went awry. She was sitting at the kitchen table with her two grandsons and she told Tyler (the oldest grandson) that he had a spider on his head. He laughed and didn't believe her. Jordan (the youngest grandson) got a frightened look on his face and started backing away, pointing at Tyler's head saying that he could see the spider. Well, all "you know what" broke loose! There was screaming, jumping and all that stuff. It all ended with Jordan picking himself up out of my water bowl.
Mommy said she was NOT going to do any more April Fool's jokes this year.
Two Dachshunds & Co. tagged us in the blog photo game.
And here are the rules:
1). Go to your 1st photo folder
2). Find the 10th picture
3). Post the 10th picture and tell everyone about it!
This picture is of my buddy, Punky. Punky is a girl and she's 19 years old. Let me tell you something about that old girl. SHE IS FAST AND FIERCE!! She will chase after me from room to room. She acts like a much younger girl. She used to be really big. Around 20 pounds. But now that she is older, she is losing weight. Basically, she is a sweet natured cat. She just doesn't like dogs. Bummer!!
4). Tag 5 other Doggie Blogs so they can have some photo fun, too!! (If you've recently been tagged, sorry!!)
It is always a good idea to show some bravery so your Mommy or Daddy knows that you are doing your job. If you hear a noise outside, you should growl or bark. Just once will do. No sense in overdoing it. You will still get the credit for bravery.
But, every once in a while, you should do more. Peeking out the windows growling and barking is really impressive. It shows your intent to attack if necessary. Make them feel that they will have to hold you back. Everyone will think you are so devoted and fiercely protective. It may even earn you some extra treats!
Here I am guarding my household from intruders. It turned out to be my Mommy's daughter and grandsons, but that's okay. My Mommy thinks I was willing to attack and maim for her safety.
For some strange reason, my Mommy thinks I look like Basil Rathbone. He's the guy who played Sherlock Homes in those old films. She says that it's because of our long noses. But she also says that I'm much, much cuter (love you too, Mommy). It must be the noses because I know I would NEVER smoke, nor would I ever, ever wear such a silly hat. (Oh please don't let me eat my words on the hat comment). Look at our profiles below and see what you think.